Last November, I went to Puerto Rico on emergency. I call it "on emergency", because I felt like I was going to lose my marbles. I had had a significant event happen in my life that consumed every ounce of my conscious mind. I kept trying to push forward and figure out my next steps, but I hit a brick wall.
I felt anxious, sad, and unclear. I had such brain fog, that making a small decision nearly sent me into a tailspin. Did you ever just feel like you needed to get away when you were overwhelmed? They say that in the survival mind, the brain defaults to a fight or a flight state. The survival mind is what we default to in times of stress, and resisting that urge is incredibly challenging. You see, the brain is a survival organ. It exists to keep us alive and safe from being eaten by grizzly bears and T-Rexs. Although 2020 is bat- crap crazy, one thing we do NOT (at least yet) have to worry about, is being eaten. Yet, the survival mind kicks into high gear when we experience stress, even on a micro-level, compared to being eaten by a T-Rex. It's safe to say, we don't always make the best decisions when we are in the survival mindset.
So anyway hey, how are you? My name is Christina "Flight" Sciarretta. Pleasure to meet you. Yep, that's me. I run from my problems, like Forest Gump. I so badly want to be the kind of person who teaches you about the survival mindset and then tells you my success story about me resisting the urge to run, and staying in the fire without panicking, but I'm not there yet. I am still on my journey to mastery of that one. In the meantime, I needed clarity. Clarity on my purpose and on what to do next. I needed to be out of the hustle and bustle and to get a major change of perspective. I needed nature and a notebook. So I looked at my husband and asked, "Want to go to Puerto Rico tomorrow?" With remarkably little disagreement, we did something we have never done before. We booked the trip. The very next day, we arrived in paradise.
During that trip, I was completely restored and although not completely clear on my next steps, I had gotten total clarity on who I was, who and what was most important to me, what I wanted out of life, and why I was doing what I was doing. One of the most valuable things I did on that trip was create a life's mission statement. It has since become a compass to which I hold every decision I make. From this mission statement alone, I had all the clarity I needed in order to go back and decide my next steps.
The reason I am writing about this is because so many of us are incredibly unclear on our direction right now, in the middle of the Covid Pandemic. Maybe you lost your job. Maybe you're having to figure out how to work and homeschool at the same time. Maybe you can't handle the stress and pressure of having to choose what to do with your children when school begins in a few weeks. Maybe you're becoming depressed because the whole world has changed and you don't even know who you are anymore or where you will go next. I see you and I am there with you. And this one thing will provide a solid place for you to come back to every time you begin slide down the Covid rabbit hole. If you are personal growth minded, like I am, I hope you give this a try and find it helpful!
You can write your Life's Mission Statement or "personal mission statement" in the following 3 steps! The more honest and clear you are with yourself, the more valuable this mission statement will be throughout your life.
1. The Actual Mission Statement: This is the statement on which you base and build your life. Describe exactly who and what you're about. Brain dump all of the things that matter most to you and then circle the 3 absolute most important things on which you want to build your life. When you exhale your final breath on earth, in order to say "I have had a wonderful life", what would you have done? How will you have lived? Who will you have served? How will you know that your life was worth it? This is the most important part of the personal mission statement.
2. Your plan for fulfilling your mission statement: Choose the top 6 most important values to you. How will you magnify those values in your life, to fulfill your life's mission? Create a power statement beginning with "I will" or "I choose" or "I'm committed to". This will help you to connect boldly with it when reading it or saying it aloud to yourself. (Don't worry if you're not there yet! We are not counting yesterday, we're moving forward!)
3. Your roles and goals: This part is one of my favorites. It seemed super cheesy to me at first, but it is insanely powerful, once you really begin to get clarity around how you want to show up in each of the important roles in your life. So begin with that in mind. List the most important roles in your life. Next, write another "I will" power statement that reflects how you intend on showing up in each area. What does excellence look like in each role to you?
There are no right or wrong answers here. You are simply creating the framework by which you will live your own life, based on your own idea of what great character looks like TO YOU. This is from the depth of your own heart. It's not open to opinion or criticism from anyone who is not actually living every moment of your life. Nothing is off limits, so reach deep!
I seriously debated myself on sharing my own life's mission statement, because it is so deeply personal to me and makes me vulnerable and open to criticism and/or judgement, however, I believe that this is such an important tool, that it is worth it, even if it impacts one person during this pandemic. I feel like there is great value in giving you a raw look at what the life's mission statement of someone you know (and hopefully trust) looks like. I'd also encourage you to Google personal mission statements or life mission statements, as there are many ways to do them and resources. This is mine! So I will leave you with my life's mission statement. Not something I always succeed at, yet something I fail forward in daily! Until next time, Rockstar Community, I'm sending you peace, love, and good vibes from my home to your's!
My life's mission is to build a successful life and business on the foundation of God, family and my Community and to leave a legacy of impact that inspires and challenges people for many years after I’m gone.
In order to fulfill this mission, I will live my life on the following values:
I am committed to making a positive impact in the lives of everyone who comes in contact with me.
I commit my time, talents, and resources to my mission.
I tithe 10% to my local church and keep a separate account dedicated to being a blessing to those in need. I set and achieve my goals to out-give myself year after year.
I’m committed to growing both spiritually and personally and to endlessly seeking and living out God’s purpose in my life.
I teach and inspire those in my circle to live their lives on purpose with love and contribution at the center.
I consistently seek ways to impact my community and the real estate market in Atlantic County.
Christian: I use my time, talents and resources to seek and serve God and to spread His love, grace, and mercy.
Wife: my husband will always be the most important relationship in my life. We are partners in building the life of our dreams together.
Mother: I am loving & incredibly intentional with my communication with my children. I aim to teach and inspire them to live their lives on purpose with God, family, and people at the core.
Business Owner: I hold myself highly accountable to my vision, goals, and principles and seek to spread love and appreciation to all who come in contact with my businesses.
Boss: I create and maintain an environment of balance, growth, hard work, fun, and motivation. I am an excellent listener to my direct reports and teach them true servant leadership.
Family Member: I actively seek to make sure that each of my family members feels loved and appreciated by me.
Neighbor/ Friend: love always directs every interaction that people have with me.